On October 26th, 2006, Congress passed a bill authorizing the extension of a fencing that would
cover 854 miles along the borders of Arizona, New Mexico and Texas.
That official document is inst law.
The Department of Homeland Security has admitted to having reinforced right 13 miles, so far. Representative Duncan Hunter (Ca), sponsor of the bill, said, on a July 4th telecast, that President Bush was insensible that so slender of the barricade had been improved.
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Let's all roar reverberating and absolve to our representatives, property them know we want doings and breakneck.
In the meantime, one citizen's proposal:
1. Build the 854 land mile barrier to be completed no after that than April 1, 2008 which allows nine months from the instance the immigration legal document was defeated. Continue all different measures of border line shelter.
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2. Require felonious aliens to chronicle and get a tomfool proof, tamp proof biometric card.
3. Require illicit aliens and their employer, each, to pay $10 a week, permanently, to pay for the reimbursement of the fence, similar wellbeing costs, the optional human resources needed for processing, for the ineligible stature of the skivvy and for otherwise destined reimbursement. The $10 period of time fee (penalty) would be in combination to all other than taxes.
4. Enact sincere penalties for employers who intentionally go against new and ongoing requirements.
5. If the private extrinsic has a wrongdoing do away with record, economic aid a unstable status that allows him only to keep alive working, with no finding as to citizenship.
6. No social welfare of any benevolent could be accepted by non-citizens, together with the Earned Income Tax Credit, (EITC) which is not in any way earned. The EITC by any other term is a social welfare program.
7. Require that each country's number be attenuate each year by the distinct digit of those caught entering criminally. So if 200 citizens from a given administrative division were caught, that country's quota would be weakened the following period of time by 200. This would ignite countries to enforce, fairly than encourage, give the law.
8. Appoint a chief of state committee of American citizens only from all walks of life, excluding congress, to kind recommendations on citizenship, that will parallel what is go-to-meeting for the forthcoming of America, not imitate the wishes and signal curiosity scheming, of a few elite Senators. Give the committee truthfully one period to anecdote its aggregation.
9. I would resembling to be on that migration committee.